In general, the company adds a close relationship with the region to the concept of social sustainability. Our employees have a series of benefits to support their personal growth and their families. One example is help with schooling. The development of a State is based on literacy and schooling for new generations. Our solid support every year for the schooling of our employees’ children is a real sign of our close relationship with the people of the Ivory Coast, who have welcomed us as a company since 1994.
Company canteen
Financial support for funerals
(which are particularly
important in Africa)
Loans for the education of our
employees’ children
Financial support for
commuting to and from work
Two donations a year of preserved tuna
for the family
Social activities: a Christmas party and social events for other particularly important national holidays
Contribution to the Congregazione delle Suore Figlie di Gesù, Verona, founded by Father Pietro Leonardi. Specifically, we partner with Sister Ambrogia for her mission in the village of Touba, 700 km from Abidjan. We are helping to build two schools.
Contribution to the Congregazione Don Orione, Bonoua for the reconstruction of the reception pavilion for the disabled.
Contribution for the construction of the new nursery at the Maison de Padre Pio, Bonoua (40 km from Abidjan) where 50 children aged 0 to 13 live.
Contribution to the reconstruction of several social activities in the village of Kotobi. For these initiatives, several executives have been awarded the honorary title of Village Chief.